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  • mickfowler
  • Topic Author

mickfowler created the topic: IREX Tips

Hey just passed my IREX today with a score in the high 80's. Just wanted to try and point out some things I noticed with the actual questions for you all while it was still fresh. I used the Bob Tait online material and practise exams. Which I found to be brilliant with the jepp charts and plates.

Firstly the exam will not reference Vh-Ozy or category b. Unless the question says you are flying something different assume you are in ozy. One question I had mentioned I had auto feather with a MTOW above 5700 (was a SID based question out of Essendon)

If they give you an actual day of the week expect to be planning for an airborne traffic delay. Will be a fuel question obviously.

If the question refers to a tac or a specific approach quickly check it to make sure there are no special requirements. Particularly regarding holding at a certain vor/ndb. Or tac's for reporting point question.

Make sure you check that there are no specified routes. If a question appears too simple it probably is ;).

Be aware of the times that a tempo and inter opr is required with a taf and ttf. I had 5 questions which could of tripped me up on this.

If you are doing a 3D approach remember that a missed approach commences at DA. Had two questions which tried to lead me down the MAPt path.

Make sure you are very familiar with drift and track error question and read the question and check to see what information they want. They seem to love ADF's for these questions I had 4 4 drift questions referncing an adf.

Finally questions regarding recency I found did not state in the last 90 days. Some answers were for 85 no 3D with cdi days some for 45 no 3D with cdi. However with the approach I was to fly the combination of approaches which would of allowed me was conducted in the previous 25 days. As the answer did not say in the previous 90 days this threw me a bit.

Hope this has given you all something to think on and help you out with your preparations. Remember you have plenty of time to reference the aip if you are unsure on anything. Look everything you can up in the docs as the correct answer is word for word out of them. Time works out to about 5minutes per question a total of 40 all worth one mark each.

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