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ILS/LOC minima & HIAL

  • Tam
  • Topic Author

Tam created the topic: ILS/LOC minima & HIAL

Hello Bob,
I have my IREX exam next week, and have a couple of questions that I would like clarification on, just to be sure my understanding is correct.

When you are conducting a precision approach on the ILS, if the plate is shaded you can reduce the height minima by 100ft if you have the actual QNH from an approved source, however if you do not have PEC you must add 50ft to the minimum. Should I assume that unless it is stipulated in the question that I do Not have the actual QNH, that it is available to me as indicated on the approach plate?

For the visibility on the ILS, you must be able to meet the requirements of AIP 4.7.3
(1)the aircraft is flown using a flight director or approved HUDLS; OR with a coupled autopilot and
(2) the aircraft is equipped with a serviceable failure warning system for the primary attitude and heading reference systems and
(3) the HIRL lights is available
If these are not met the visibility must be 1.2M, and I am assuming that since VH-OZY does not have the equipment listed in (1) and (2) that I would have to always use the 1.2M vis unless the question stipulates that these are available in my aircraft?

If you the HIAL is unavailable on the approach the minimum visibility must be increased to 1.5M, unless the minimum on the plate is higher then you would use that figure.

Special Alt Minima - is available on some approach plates, and VH-OZY can use this as there are two independent ILS receiver's in the aircraft. My question here is if the box is shaded in the approach plate for Alternate, and there is an option for **Special Alternate Minima, can I also reduce this by 100 ft if I have the actual QNH? And if the HIAL was unavailable does this also affect the required VIS on the Special Alternate minima?
For example if it was 700ft / 0.8 would I increase the VIS to 1.5?

For the LOC 2D approach, if the HIAL is U/S, I must increase the landing minima by 900M, I was told this rule had been removed, but it is still in the AIP. So I just want to confirm that I am correct.


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bobtait replied the topic: ILS/LOC minima & HIAL

You can assume that you have the actual QNH if:
The question say so.
You are in CTA and the question says you have been cleared for the approach.
The aerodrome has ATIS or AWIS [except when AWIS is available on a mobile phone only].

Your understanding of the visibility requirements for ILS is correct. If you are flying OZY, it will always be 1.2km unless the published visibility happens to be more than that. If HIAL is not operating you must use 1.5 unless the published visibility is greater than that. It is true that CASA did remove the requirement to add .9km to the LLZ visibility if HIAL is not operating. However it has been reintroduced for the last couple of years, so it is presently a requirement.

The special alternate minima cannot be reduced any further than the published figures. You cannot subtract another 100ft even if the box is shaded and you have the actual QNH. If HIAL was unavailable you would have to use 1.5km instead of the published special alternate minimum visibility.

All the best for the exam!!

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  • Tam
  • Topic Author

Tam replied the topic: ILS/LOC minima & HIAL

Terrific, thank you for your quick reply!

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