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IREX Reference Documents

  • OllieD
  • Topic Author

OllieD created the topic: IREX Reference Documents

Hey Everyone!

Currently self studying for IREX which I have booked for next Tuesday the 14/04/15 and then start my MECIR training in Adelaide.

I have almost finished the Bob Tait book and will purchase the cyber exams most likely. I have 4 solid days left to study, I feel like I'm grasping it all, but just need to do more of it to make sure I don't get tripped up on sneaky things.

I have a current ERSA, AIP and the ERCs and TACs and I will print CAAP 234-1(1) but I have no current CAO/CAR/CASR.

I emailed Lee in the office and she has sent me the CAO extract that contains:

CAO 20.9
CAO 20.18
CASR Part 61 Definitions and Subpart 61.M (Instrument Ratings)

I feel that with only three references I am missing something, or is that really all I will need? I will have these printed and bound soon so I want to double check I'm not missing anything.

Your input would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,


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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: IREX Reference Documents

Hi Ollie,
That PDF is what we give our classes to take with them into the exam and so far there have been no complaints. The AIP is hammered heavily in the exam so make sure you know your way around it before then.
P.S. if anyone using that PDF in the IREX exam has comments to the contrary, WE want to hear about it too! No point offering an Air Law extract that doesn't do the job!

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  • OllieD
  • Topic Author

OllieD replied the topic: IREX Reference Documents

Thanks Richard!

I'll let you know how I go!

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  • Bonanza

Bonanza replied the topic: IREX Reference Documents

How did you go OllieD? Keen to know.

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  • wazjones

wazjones replied the topic: IREX Reference Documents

Good Morning,

I have rcv'd this info from lee, What needs to be done to allow you to take this document into the exam?

Does anyone have any feedback on its actual usefulness in the exam?

Was it all that was req'd in regards to
CAAP 234-1(1)
CAO 20.9
CAO 20.18
CASR Part 61 Definitions and Subpart 61.M (Instrument Ratings)



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  • wazjones

wazjones replied the topic: IREX Reference Documents

Anyone got any info???

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  • Bonanza

Bonanza replied the topic: IREX Reference Documents

Yep, use a hole punch and put them in a folder. Take them in, you will need them. You can highlight as much as you want, so highlight what's relevant.
Good luck

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