Hi Bob,
I’ve been reading a few of your forums on the Part 61 changes and I’m sort of confused when I got to both of the topics you previously spoke with user “Basketball” and “weirdguy99”.
In topic “Charter navaid alternate requirement” about 9 months & 1 week ago, you mentioned that AIP ENR 1.1 para 58.3.2 says that LSALT + 500 and 8 km vis is available only if the aerodrome 'IS NOT SERVED BY A NAVIGATION AID'.
But then in topic “NO AID AERDROME, ALTERNATE PLANNING”, you said AIP doesn't say you can use LSALT + 500 and 8k vis when the aerodrome has no AID. It says you can use it only when the aerodrome has “no INSTRUMENT APPROACH”.
So my question is, is it without an instrument approach or without a navigation aid that you then use the LSALT + 500ft and 8km visibility.
Here's the references on the topics I read from the forum.
TOPIC: Charter navaid alternate requirement
That is correct. You cannot use a 129 GPS to satisfy the alternate requirements. For a charter flight you would have to have an alternate that would permit the use of LSALT + 500 and 8 km vis on the ARFOR. This is another example of how badly worded the AIP is. You would have to have an alternate that is not served by a navigation aid. AIP ENR 1.1 para 58.3.2 says that LSALT + 500 and 8 km vis is available only if the aerodrome 'IS NOT SERVED BY A NAVIGATION AID'. That means even on a day without a cloud in the sky, an aerodrome with an NDB approach would not be suitable as an alternate - you would have to look around for an aerodrome that 'IS NOT SERVED BY A NAVIGATION AID'. Don't think about it to much or you'll become just as cynical as I. Maybe you should all write to CASA about this crazy wording - I've already done that.
9 months & 1 week ago
Trouble is the AIP doesn't say you can use LSALT + 500 and 8k vis when the aerodrome has no AID. It says you can use it only when the aerodrome has no INSTRUMENT APPROACH. An RNAV/GNSS is an instrument approach, so this aerodrome does have an instrument approach. The AIP says you cannot use the ARFOR for alternate planning unless the aerodrome has no INSTRUMENT APPROACH published. I know that's crazy but it is what the AIP says. I hear that some individual CASA FOIs have given opinions on this, but isn't it about time that someone amended the AIP to make it clear. I'm sure that you will find theory examiners keep away from this nonsense. Pilots all over Australia have been ignoring it for years. It means that, according to the AIP, you can never go to some homestead strip or any aerodrome without a TAF without an alternate - even in the middle of winter with a clear blue sky. Surely that was never the intention of the people who wrote it in the first place.
9 months & 2 weeks ago