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ATC clearance for en-route levels

  • sean1986
  • Topic Author

sean1986 created the topic: ATC clearance for en-route levels

Hi Bob,

I missed out on the IREX exam by 3 marks (doesn't help i changed 5 right answers to incorrect ones....)

One of the questions which had me baffled and I couldn't reference in the AIP was as follows.
ATC Will provide assign en route levels in which controlled airspace..

A,C,D an E
A,C, D

Now i think I had (C) and changed to D but I couldn't find the reference in the AIP, any help in pointing this out (it's probably in the IREX book of yours as well but I'm blinded atm

Also how do I look up the KDRs for IFR syllabus? like the Day VFR. Is it just in CAO 40.2.1 Appendix III?
For instance ALTN Planning - Nav AID RQMNTS - 61 MOS Sect 2.1.1-IREX 4.2.1 - where do i find that?


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  • Mister W

Mister W replied the topic: ATC clearance for en-route levels

Hi Sean,

Have you tried ENR 1.1-19 para11.1? It states that all levels flown in classes A, C and D airspace, and IFR levels
flown in ClassE airspace, must be assigned by ATC.

Hope this helps.

Mister W.

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  • sean1986
  • Topic Author

sean1986 replied the topic: ATC clearance for en-route levels

That will do, it was just the question itself didn't make sense had me walking away thinking. Was that even related to anything?

Certainly written by someone not involved in aviation..

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