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ATC Separation

  • Aviatordan
  • Topic Author

Aviatordan created the topic: ATC Separation


Here is the question:

Apart from VFR-on-top, and VFR climb or descent procedures, ATC will provide separation between IFR flights in VMC in -
1 in all classes of airspace
2 only when IMC exist
3 in all but Class D and Class G airspace
4 in Class A or Class C only

To me, none of the above answers are correct. As per the table at AIP ENR 1.4 para 4, ATC provides separation to IFR flights from all other IFR flights except in Class G. The answer to the above question was listed as number 3, could someone please explain how this is correct? Also, the separation provided by ATC is not dependent on whether IMC or VMC exists, is it? I.e. there is no clause that states "in Class D airspace, separation between IFR flights will only be issued when in IMC" or something similar, is there?



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