Hey everyone and Mr. Tait,
So after 2 attempts and finally on my 3rd sitting, I finally passed irex! Just been literally having the worst time and which was most likey due to my study technique (I admit). I have found, and recommend to anyone not having the greatest luck with IREX or any of the CPL exams, the online practice exams are really worth it! I found in my nav exam, 2/3rds of the questions I did there were in the B.T online ones. So thanks again.
So what can I say about the IREX exam, soon as I got the '83% PASS' letters on that screen...I was just stoked to finally see that result!
Just to name a few things I got wrong;
-Icing - go over the clouds and what it means for potential icing regardless of the temp. For example; if the temp is -5 degrees c and you flying in NS - what icing is expected. I
should of selected 'rime' [in retrospective thnking] but selected 'clear'....
-Visual circling. In the exam they presented you are at the end of a VOR approach and stated the wind direction meant you would have to land on a different runway. With the question asking
what would be the required visibility required, I thought to circling area visibility would be correct?
That's just a few things, but thanks again. Now the next and 'final' stage or theory begins - ATPL's!