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Primary means of tracking

  • weirdguy99
  • Topic Author

weirdguy99 created the topic: Primary means of tracking

Hey guys,

I got the following KDR after finishing the IREX: Primary means of tracking - 2.20(e).

What sort of questions would a testing office ask me in terms of tracking?

Here is the actual syllabus point:
(e) approach and landing procedures:
(i) OCTA, CTR and GAAP;
(ii) visual approach procedures;
(iii) procedures in the event of loss of radio communications;
(iv) cancellation of SAR;
(v) landing manoeuvres OCTA;
(vi) V.M.C. separation procedures for I.F.R. flight under GAAP; and
(vii) operation of VHF aerodrome lighting (PAL).


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  • Mister W

Mister W replied the topic: Primary means of tracking

Hi Weirdguy,
Just having a look at CAO 40.2.1. Can't believe they haven't ammended it. AIP RAC/OPS were changed to GEN/ENR last century and GAAP's been gone for years. Anyway, back to the topic.

Just about every pre-lic test I conducted, re-newal I had and discussions with ATO's, we would normally pick visual approaches day and night and incorporate it with the check items from the Pre-Flight Examination part of the IFR test form. Form 645 if you're looking for it.
CASA allowed CFI's to sign off KDRs a while back so I would have seperate session before the test to cover it to reduce the 'Brain Drain' on the day of the flight test. Maybe your CFI might do the same.

So I would be asking;
How far out can you be expected to be cleared for a visual approach and what is the maximum distance out can you start manoeurving for it?

You're tracking outbound on an NDB approach and you find yourself >5 ° off track. Can you continue descending? If so, what do you have to be first?

Who's responsible for traffic seperation between VFR and IFR at a CTAF?

Radio failure, PAL and SAR cancellation can probably be answered with other questions on the test form.

Hope this helps.

Stay Weird!

Mister W.

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