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NVFR CHTR alternate navaid requirements

  • Ralph
  • Topic Author

Ralph created the topic: NVFR CHTR alternate navaid requirements

Well being an old mud-map pilot I thought I was flying visually with reference to the ground and water and using my mud-map with pre-marked headings, LSALT, ground lighting etc for navigation and that I could reach my alternate despite it not having an aid - so dooh I answered no requirements. :(

The question is:

Assuming that no OPRs are imposed by either weather or runway lighting, the minimum radio navigation aid requirement for an aerodrome to be suitable as an alternate for a NGT VFR CHTR flight is -
Choose one answer.
  1. two different aids are required
  2. there are no requirements
  3. at least two aids are required in the aircraft
  4. one VOR or one NDB or 1 GPS TSO 129 or higher is required

The explanation for the answer was:

For night VFR there must be a means of navigating to the destination - not necessarily a published approach for the destination. That means the destination must be served by an NDB or a VOR or the aircraft is equipped with a GPS TSO to at least the 129 standard and the pilot is qualified to use the chosen aid. AIP ENR 1.1 para 58.3.3 (which refers the a destination requiring an alternate unless it carries an aid and the aircraft can use it, or aircraft can use an approved GPS.)

Maybe the explanation needs to be elaborated further; even though you are flying visually under NVFR the alternate must meet these same requirements as a regular destination - in order for it not to force the requirement of an alternate it must have a useable aid for the aircraft or the aircraft must be fitted with a certified GPS. So despite being able to navigate by other means you need to be able to navigate by an aid at the destination or your certified GPS (yeah for the GPS to keep your alternate legal). This seems strange for a N/VFR pilot using his mud-maps and compass and watch and visually fixing.

Does it also mean that the alternate must be in range of the Navaid for NVFR flight, despite the fact that I can navigate towards the airport via dead-reckoning provided I get a visual fix every 30 minutes - as per the VFR rules? :dry:

regards Ralph

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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: NVFR CHTR alternate navaid requirements

Hi Ralph,

Yes, the alternate needs to have an aid for which you are endorsed to use and have equipped in the aircraft or you need to be using an approved GPS (TSO 129 or higher). The alternate also needs to be within 1 hours flight time of the destination.

The AIP makes no specific mention of whether you need to be within rated coverage of the aid. I suspect you do not need to be but must still be able to navigate visually towards the aerodrome (with the required fix every 30 minutes etc) and then pick up the aid en-route. Obviously this isn't an issue if you have an approved GPS. You are getting fixes every few milliseconds ;-)



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