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part 7 "General Questions"

  • BB
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BB created the topic: part 7 "General Questions"

Just finished the "General Questions" starting on page 7.1. and not too sure about some of the answers:

#9 ENR 1.1 - 51 states to give "cancel SARWATCH" report... but correct answers is automatically?

#15 why can't I use just 2 NDBs for a positive fix as stated in ENR 1.1 - 19.5.1?

#33 where does it specifically state who to report to?

#34 according to AIP in Class D only IFR from IFR and special VFR...?

#43 it doesn't state that the one hour instrument time on an approved synthetic trainer was done as a "single pilot operation" as stated in CAO 40.2.1 - 11.5 ... so answer should be NO?

#46 where can I find the answer - ENR 1.1 - 3.11/12 doesn't really provide the answer...?

#53 can't find the answer in GEN 3.5 - 10.1 stating the 3 hours...?

Thanks a lot guys - really appreciated!

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bobtait replied the topic: part 7 "General Questions"

9. An IFR flight does not operate on a SARTIME, it's SARWATCH is based on full radio reporting procedures. If an IFR flight lands at a towered aerodrome, it's SAR is automatically cancelled by the tower - the pilot does not need to say 'CANCEL SARWATCH'. However a VFR flight operating on a SARTIME would have to cancel SARWATCH since the tower is not responsible for his/her SARWATCH.

15. If two NDBs are used for a radio fix, they must both be within 30nm irrespective of their rated coverage. AIP ENR 1.1 para 19.5.1 (e).

33. In controlled airspace, all communication is addressed to the relevant controller.

34. In Class D the controller does not separate IFR from VFR, since if there is a VFR flight the conditions must be VMC. The pilot is responsible for separation except for IFR/IFR or IFR/special VFR.

43. You have made a valid point. The one hour instrument time should be on an single-pilot approved synthetic trainer. The question should have stated that. Although it would be pretty hard to find a synthetic trainer that was approved for two pilot operations - that's more likely to be a simulator.

46. 3.12 doesn't say it directly, but it does say that you cannot expect the protection of controlled airspace unless you are 500 feet above the lower limit. That's because an aircraft can be operating at the lower limit without the controller's knowledge.

53. The reference is now GEN 3.5 para 10.1

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  • BB
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BB replied the topic: part 7 "General Questions"

to your answer:

34. In Class D the controller does not separate IFR from VFR, since if there is a VFR flight the conditions must be VMC. The pilot is responsible for separation except for IFR/IFR or IFR/special VFR.[/b]

shouldn't the answer then be "b".... "the pilot in command"???

53. The reference is now GEN 3.5 para 10.1 .... it still says 8hrs notice require and the 3 hrs refer to availability... shouldn't the answer be "c"?

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bobtait replied the topic: part 7 "General Questions"

34. The answer is in my copy.

53. You are correct. It is 8 hours. It used to be 3 hours when that question was written but it looks like it has changed since. Thanks for you feed-back I'll change it in the next print of the book.


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  • BB
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BB replied the topic: part 7 "General Questions"

Thanks Bob - as always very much appreciated!

And answer 34 says "a" in my book... just FYI


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