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icing and lowest safe alt

  • 796183
  • Topic Author

796183 created the topic: icing and lowest safe alt

Hi bob and Rich ..My understanding when it comes to icing you may descend down to the lowest safe if necessary>After passing Lake albert the lsalt is 1700 to swell then 2500 to Mount Gambier or is this question just asking the correct level to cruise with the track ??..any help would be great:)
thanks Scott

Marks: 1
Refer ERC L2.

You are tracking from Adelaide to Mount Gambier via W519. After station passage at Lake Albert, you encounter significant icing conditions. Your aircraft is not equipped with a de-icing system and a descent becomes necessary.

The lowest cruise altitude to which the aircraft may descend in IMC at this point is -
Choose one answer.
2700 feet
3000 feet
3800 feet
1500 feet

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  • 796183
  • Topic Author

796183 replied the topic: icing and lowest safe alt

The correct answer was 2700ft maybe the charts have changed ?

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  • 796183
  • Topic Author

796183 replied the topic: icing and lowest safe alt

HI Bob and Rich ..wondering if you guys have had a chance to look at this question for me?

Thanks Scott

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  • Mister W

Mister W replied the topic: icing and lowest safe alt

Hi there,

Just had a look on the ERC L1 chart and I word say that 2700' would be the answer.

If you are operationally required to fly at a level that is not in accordance with the tables in ENR 1.7 (like in this situation) you may do so as long as notify the appropiate ATS unit. It's all in the Cruising levels section and ENR 1.7-6 is where you can find it.

Hope this helps.

Cheers Darren (Mister W)

P.S. - Lost count of the number of times I've had to do it due ice!

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  • 796183
  • Topic Author

796183 replied the topic: icing and lowest safe alt

Hi Darren ..thank you for you response what i trying to get my head around is how 2700ft is a cruise level and i fully understand the rules with non standard levels just want to know why this is the most correct answer and why bob has come up with this number ..only thing i can thing about is 2700 is above the lowest safe and i guess it is a level with still will provide separation from aircraft coming the other way..I am doing this subject all home study so sorry if i am asking dumb questions


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  • 796183
  • Topic Author

796183 replied the topic: icing and lowest safe alt

I maybe reading to much into the question and 2700 would do the job

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  • Mister W

Mister W replied the topic: icing and lowest safe alt

Hi Scott,

No such thing as dumb questions. Questions lead to answers. Answers lead to learning.
Forums like this are really good for that.

IREX is about gathering the facts of the question, and then seeing which rules apply the most to the situation and that is all.

Good luck with home study. Lots of people have pass the exam doing it that way.
The forum is always here if you need help.


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