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bobtait replied the topic: Re: IREX?

Gidday John,

Looks like you have found yourself some interesting flying since 2002. I don't think there is a specific reference to the validity of the IREX exam, however absence of any mention of an expiry date is taken as an indication that the exam credit is valid indefinitely. There is mention on the CASA web site of 'Multi subject-part' exams such as CPL and ATPL being completed in a three calendar year period,


but there is no mention on any limitation on the validity of IREX, BAK or PPL.

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  • alexsr71

alexsr71 replied the topic: Re: IREX?

Hi Rich,

Sorry for replyig to an older topic but I was interested in the discussion around PIFR vs IFR. I hold a CPL but am happy to fly private so I think the PIFR is for me. I've searched around for some info here but can't seem to work out if a pass in the IREX in required as part of the award of the PIFR. Obviously there is a theory component required and a pass in the IREX is valid but is it REQUIRED or is there something else?

I'm tending towards the IREX path anyways but would like some clarification since I'll be looking at the Private rating.

All the best,


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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: Re: IREX?

Hi Alex,

You do not need the full IREX exam and CASA now offers the PIFR cyberexam "as an alternative to the examination set by the CFI of an instrument flying school (which) covers the knowledge required for issue of the basic Private IFR rating."

The information on the PIFR exam can be found at the CASA website:

The PIFR tself is described in CAAP 5-13:



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  • awol

awol replied the topic: Re: IREX?

Hi Rich,

Question about the cyber practice exams: I ordered all of them (is it 4 in total)? ...about 7 to 8 months ago, are there any new/updated exams or newly added questions online since then, or just the same old good stuff?


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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: Re: IREX?

Hi Awol,

There have been multiple corrections since then associated with changes in aerodrome charts and regulations but in essence they are the same questions. I assume you got the new Exam Prep format but if you had the "old" cyberexams, you would not have received explained answers to the questions but rather a KDR-like summary at the end of each attempt. The new Exam Preps offer fully explained answers so they are much more useful as a study guide.

If you have already had the IREX Exam Preps (not cyberexams) and you still want some practice, you can order the Extra Access add-on which gives you three attempts at a completely randomised and timed exam which draws questions from the entire IREX question bank. You will have seen the questions before but most students still find the practice quite helpful.

Normally the add-on is only available if you still have an active exam prep enrolent but if you give Lee a call at the office I'm sure she can help you out (she secretly lurks on these forums so she'll know what it's all about if you call :laugh: ).



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  • awol

awol replied the topic: Re: IREX?

Hi Rich,

I previously ordered the 4x Prep exams, just had a browse and I have got a total of 7 prep exams, so I assume I must have ordered the extra Prep Access exams before, they are all dated June 2012, but I wouldn't mind buying some more Prep Access exams so I can attempt them (again).

will give Lee a call tomorrow to arrange.


Ps apart from the Study Guide and Prep exams, what else could be of use for the real cyber exam.

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  • alexsr71

alexsr71 replied the topic: Re: IREX?

Great reply Rich, all the info is there.

I'm assuming Bob's IREX book is still the most appropriate study guide even for the this level of cyber exam?


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  • awol

awol replied the topic: Re: IREX?

I know highlighting is permitted on the Doc's needed for the exams, But does this include highlighting place names on Charts? (ERC/PCA)


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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: Re: IREX?

Hi Alex,

Yes, Bob's book contains everything you need for the exam but please be aware these books are primarily exam guides, designed to focus on the material CASA will examine. As we all know, an exam pass is simply a ticket to more learning so make sure you keep sponge-mode activated and soak up as much information from as many sources as you can during your training :)



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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: Re: IREX?

Good question AWOL. My gut feeling is that should be OK but I haven't seen it explicitly stated anywhere.

Just a thought: which names would you end up highlighting? I know the book mentions some but it shouldn't take too long to find them if you have seen them once. If CASA mentions an aerodrome on the PCA it will be one of the ones referenced on the back of the chart itself and they are listed with their ARFOR region which reduces the search time. There are so many possible airports which could appear in the exam, I wouldn't know where to start with my highlighter :D



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