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  • Eddy
  • Topic Author

Eddy created the topic: SDBY PWR for ALTN

Hello everyone. I need help again and know someone here can give it.

I have been told and read in my text books many times that an alternate aerodrome need not have standby power. But when I read ENR 1.1-58.4.6 it seems that this may not be correct. It states that if an alternate was nominated in accordance with 58.4.2 or 58.4.3 then standby power is not required.
That means if the alternate was required in accordance with another rule (i.e. crosswind, cloud, visibility, fog, nav aids) then standby power is required. Furthermore, if your destination has portable lighting but there was no responsible person present an alternate would be required (58.4.1) and that also would require standby power.
The questions in the text book don't seem to support this and I'm worried about what I should answer in the exam.
I hope someone can clarify this for me.
Thank you all

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bobtait replied the topic: Re: SDBY PWR for ALTN

Your interpretation is correct.

If an alternate is required, any aerodrome can be so nominated provided:

[a] it is suitable as a destination for your flight; and
it is not an aerodrome for which your flight would have to provide for an alternate.

If an alternate has been nominated due to weather or navaids, the alternate aerodrome must meet all the requirements of a destination for the flight.

However, if the only reason for nominating the alternate is due to there being no backup for the destination's electric lighting or PAL system, then the alternate aerodrome need not have standby power or portable lighting.

An alternate aerodrome may have PAL, provided:
[a] there is a responsible person in attendance; or
the aircraft is fitted with dual VHF or
[c] the aircraft is fitted with single VHF and HF, and carries 30 minutes holding fuel over and above all other fuel requirements.

If you have found questions in the book that do not support this, please let me know and I'll check it out.

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  • Eddy
  • Topic Author

Eddy replied the topic: Re: SDBY PWR for ALTN

Thanks for the reply Bob.
I have come across 2 questions which I was not sure about.

CIR REVISION QUESTION - SET SIX (answers start on page 6.26 not 6.27)
Question 5

A alternate is required due to visibility in this question but the answer states that the alternate, Cunnamulla, has no standby and no person. So it shouldn't be nominated as an alternate unless prior notice is given to have a responsible person and standby available.

Question 44
This question does not state the operational requirement which calls for the alternate so whether standby power or portable lighting is required cannot be determined

Also the note at the bottom of the lighting flow chart states that the alternate need not have standby power or a responsible person which would not be correct if you required an alternate because of the odd scenario of having portable lighting without a responsible person.

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bobtait replied the topic: Re: SDBY PWR for ALTN

Thanks for that. I've reworded those questions to remove any confusion.

All the best with your study....

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