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2 Questions

  • Eddy
  • Topic Author

Eddy created the topic: 2 Questions

If someone could please help me with these two questions from the Instrument Rating text book.

1. On page 3.9 there is a note which says 'If the aerodrome has more than one approach, it doesn't matter which one you look at as the alternate minima will be the same on all of them'. Is this a mistake? The text book my flying school gave me warns that different approaches may have different minimas.

2. The CIR REVISION QUESTIONS - SET FOUR, Question 1 the TEMPO time period is printed as 0530/0580. The same numbers are used in the answer section. Is this a double typo or am I getting something wrong?

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bobtait replied the topic: Re: 2 Questions

Gidday Eddy

It was the case for many years that the alternate mimima were the same for all approaches. However recently some approaches do indeed have different alternate minima e.g. Cairns. I will remove that note from the text in future prints. It does however raise an interesting question. How are you supposed to flight plan to such an aerodrome, when you don't know whether or not you need an alternate until you know which approach ATC is going to give you when you arrive? I have asked CASA for an answer but I've had no luck yet.

Regarding your second question. Yes that is a typo. It has been changed in the current edition. Thanks for your feed back.


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