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Non-Precision Runway Approach - U/S HIAL

  • Brian
  • Topic Author

Brian created the topic: Non-Precision Runway Approach - U/S HIAL

G'day Guys,

I'm up to page 5.63 in the IREX study guide (great book by the way!) and have come to the section on Non-Precision Runway Approaches with unserviceable HIAL. The reference to adding 900m to the published visibility minima when HIAL is unavailable (AIP ENR 1.5 para 5.4.1) seems to have disappeared with yesterday's AIP amendment (AL67 effective 2 Jun 11).

I've had a thumb through the AIP but haven't any luck so far in finding it. It has also been removed from the Index (previously under IAL - RWYs Equipped with HIAL).

I just thought I'd ask if you'd noticed this yet, and if so, do you know if the reference has simply been moved or does the requirement no longer exist?

Thanks for your help,


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bobtait replied the topic: Re: Non-Precision Runway Approach - U/S HIAL

Thanks for that Brian. I must admit I wasn't aware of it. I'll check it our and get back to you. Thanks again for the feed-back.

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  • Heff

Heff replied the topic: Re: Non-Precision Runway Approach - U/S HIAL

Hi Bob,
Can you confirm this asap if possible. I have the exam in 4 days. And my amendments haven't arrived yet!



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bobtait replied the topic: Re: Non-Precision Runway Approach - U/S HIAL


There is no longer any mention of adding 900m to the published visibility for a non-precision runway approch - that requirement has been dropped. However you will still find reference to using 1.5k visibility for an ILS approach without HIAL. See AIP ENR 1.5 para 4.7.3a

Also I have noticed that the alternate requiremnts due weather have been moved from AIP ENR 1.10 para 57 to para 58.

Looks like I will have to do a reweite of PPL/met, CPL/met, CPL Air Law and IREX books. Oh joy!!! Will it ever end - not

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  • Gareth

Gareth replied the topic: Re: Non-Precision Runway Approach - U/S HIAL

Hi Bob, (again)

Following on from this thread, AIP ENR 1.5 - 30, para 4.7.3 c says
"minimum vis 0.8pm is req'd if instrumented RVR information in the threshold zone is not available"

Q) what does this actually mean? And does it fit in somewhere with your flow diagram on page 5.65

Really appreciate the help

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bobtait replied the topic: Re: Non-Precision Runway Approach - U/S HIAL


That's another recent addition, and I must admit I'm not sure what it's getting at. I've asked Canberra and I'm still waiting for a reply. I can't find any ILS approach where the vis required is less than 800m for Cat 1. So what do they mean when they say that the minimum visibility required is 800m if RVR is not available when it's never less than that anyway? I guess it's got something to do with the Reduced Visibility Operations mentioned in para 4.8. I'll keep trying and let you know if I get a reply from Canberra.

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  • Gareth

Gareth replied the topic: Re: Non-Precision Runway Approach - U/S HIAL

Hi Bob,

Any news on this?


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  • Gareth

Gareth replied the topic: Re: Non-Precision Runway Approach - U/S HIAL

I emailed CASA on this one.

Although the reply was a little cryptic, it seems that the 0.9nm you'd add for a non-precision approach if HIAL is unavailable no longer applies.

The rules now only apply to precision approaches.

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