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Simple Cyber Question Wrong!!

  • Brabo
  • Topic Author

Brabo created the topic: Simple Cyber Question Wrong!!


I just got a simple cyber exam question wrong???

"The phrase Mode C indicates that the transponder has the capability to transmit information on-:

a) An aircrafts postion only
b) An aircrafts height and postion
c) An aircraft height only
d) An aircraft type"

The way i would interpret the question is that the height is only transmitted no postion data is transmitted from a mode C transponder..... but was incorrect??

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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: Re: Simple Cyber Question Wrong!!

Hi Brabo,

You're right in a way, when a transponder receives a Mode C interrogation, it transmits an altitude code (as supplied by the encoder). Mode C does mean "altitude information". By the way, if it receives a Mode A interrogation it transmits the dialled in squawk code.

The transponder is always sending either a squawk code (Mode A) or altitude (Mode C) response but not both at the same time.

However, when we use the phrase Mode C or we say that a transponder is Mode C capable, it means the transponder is able to transmit information on its position (by identifying itself to the ATC radar with the Mode A response) but it can also respond to Mode C pulses requesting altitude information.

So, the correct answer is "An aircraft's height and position".



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