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Question set 5

  • Billytrem
  • Topic Author

Billytrem created the topic: Question set 5

With question 5 in question set 5 in part 6 of the IREX book, I think the answer has been updated. According to the current ERSA Cunnamulla has standby power making it a suitable alternate.

Anyone else stuck on this question?

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bobtait replied the topic: Re: Question set 5

Even though Cunnamulla has standby power, it is not suitable as an alternate because it is PAL operated and there is no responsible person available to either lay a flare path or switch on the lighting manually.


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  • Billytrem
  • Topic Author

Billytrem replied the topic: Re: Question set 5

sorry i just checked and I meant set 6 question 5.

I also checked and the aircraft wasn't OZY and it only had one VHF, meaning it would require 30 mins holding fuel over Cunnamulla. I must have assumed it was OZY.

Thanks for your time bob,


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