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Starting my Instrument Rating Training without CPL

  • Darkblue
  • Topic Author

Darkblue created the topic: Starting my Instrument Rating Training without CPL


I have a quick question hopefully someone can answer. I have completed my CPL training and am waiting to do my test which for one reason or another has been delayed 3 times (CASA paperwork issue, aircraft has gone U/S twice). My instrument rating has been booked for a while and I thought I had given myself enough of a gap but due to some appalling luck I will now not get my CPL test done before I am booked to start my ME-CIR training.

So my question is can I start my ME-CIR training without my CPL, I will have to do the CPL test during the instrument rating training. I would delay the instrument rating but am in situation where I need to get all of this completed in a set timeframe.

If anyone can give some advice it would be appreciated.

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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: Re: Starting my Instrument Rating Training without CPL

Hi DarkBlue,

That won't be a problem, you can start your instrument rating training. In fact you could even get your ME-CIR issued without having passed your CPL at all. You only need at least a PPL license in order to hold a CIR:



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