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Feedback on CHUF exam

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HPOUND created the topic: Feedback on CHUF exam

Just completed CHUF with 85% final score... so pleased with that. In the spirit of giving back, here are a few observations that may be of assistance for those yet to sit this exam:

(1) I estimate 25 to 33% of the examination related to TEM. Of these, some questions were very easy (eg. Preparing a contingency plan in the event of bad weather is an example of a ___ counter measure. Planning, Execution, Review?) while others were tricky. Tricky questions seemed to boil down to interpretation and perspective. I would suggest these questions are not appropriate in a multiple choice format where answers are graded unambiguously right or wrong.

There were virtually no questions requiring the classification of threats according to the Bob Tait or CAAP schema. That said, I think the Bob Tait book is as good as you're going to get until CASA write some TEM training materials (at which point they will realise the folly of applying a rigid schema to a situation that is subject to variations in interpretation and perspective).

(2) 75 minutes are available to complete the exam of 41 questions. This at least double and probably triple the amount of time required if you are prepared. Most of the questions (with the exception of some TEM Qs) were of the "you know it or you don't" type. With these, as always, (i) read the question, (ii) read all the multi-choice options, (ii) select the best option. Then, (iv) read the question again, (v) confirm your selected answer satisfies the question, (vi) confirm the other (rejected) options DO NOT satisfy the question. This two step approach (prove the answer AND disprove the distractors) is powerful because it forces you to think through 4 (or 5) options and logically "pass" or "fail" each of them.

(3) All questions were multiple choice except for one. It was a "How long does it take until ....?" type. I know enter the numeric answer type questions are creeping into the PPL exams, so maybe we're going to see more of these in other exams, too.

(4) Other than TEM (and in the words of someone at my flight school, "it's so much g*d-da*mned bullsh*t"), the Bob Tait book is a very good preparation resource and, if you learn all that's in the book, you can walk into the exam and be extremely confident of a strong pass.

Good luck.

Cheers, H

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  • Samsemail72@gmail.com

Samsemail72@gmail.com replied the topic: Feedback on CHUF exam

Just finished CPL Human factors.
Very much written in Bob Tait style
Had about 8 questions on TEM
Know difference in symptoms between hypoxia hyperventilation CO poisoning
Eye and how it works.
Acceleration errors at night and how interpreted.
In cold weather at what temp you becareful of temp effecting you
The pinch fat test you test on the belly or above the hip
You are flying on a cold day in Southern part of Australia and you start the fuel a sluggish warm with headaches
A question on which parts of the eye Regulate intake of light
You are doing some practice in a simulator and the checklist says 80 knots and you select 70 knots what type of error is it

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bobtait replied the topic: Feedback on CHUF exam

The sad truth is that, since the introduction of Threat and Error Management in HPL, I've noticed a definite change in the atmosphere in the classroom. Once students enjoyed the subject of Human Performance and Limitations and frequently offered examples from their own lives to add to a lively discussion.

Now with TEM occupying a lot of the time, it's a pain, with students wondering what on earth we are talking about. The idea of 'classifying threats and errors into some specific 'type' just leaves them (and me) cold. You can argue that most threats can be described as belonging to numerous categories. CASA has published a CAAP on TEM and it seems the exam questions are based largely on that.

Richard and I went to Canberra a couple of years ago and we were permitted access to the actual exam questions (under supervision of course). It just made our heads spin! It seems the justification for most of the answers was - "because it's in the CAAP paragraph so-and-so".

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  • ontherun

ontherun replied the topic: Feedback on CHUF exam

Hi guys.

Can you please provide a link to the CASA CAAP discussed above?

Thank you

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  • Posts: 61
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HPOUND replied the topic: Feedback on CHUF exam

It's CAAP 5.59-1 and you can find it on the CASA website:

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  • ontherun

ontherun replied the topic: Feedback on CHUF exam

Thanks for the fast reply.

Have a great day :)

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  • Vinny

Vinny replied the topic: Feedback on CHUF exam

Hi Guys,

First time posting here.

I have mine in about three weeks. Any recommendations/tips prior the exam?



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