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  • wilson
  • Topic Author

wilson created the topic: ATPL TEM

Sat for my ATPL HPL exam and scored the magic number 69 . I studied Bob Tait ATPL book ,CAAP and did some syber exams. Have to say though the questions were pretty much based on facts and only facts and also scenario based.you have to know your facts,when where,how,What .etc

A lot of questions were twisted giving you the impression that the right answer is wrong.can't believe I had this question wrong.
The question read why do you have to look at the object slightly towards one side at night.I knew the rods are mainly responsible for night vision but I forget you need to prime the rods to see in dark.
My instincts based on the question was so that the it doesn't fall on the center where cones are located.stupid mistake

Few questions.

When you are flying east will the body compress or stretch.

Given the body finds it easier to adpot to time change when flying east,I ticked compressed but was wrong.

Other question was attitude and personality,which one is resistant to change.
I ticked both are not resistant meaning both can change.

TEM questions were scenario baesed and out of 8 questions only had 2 right.

One questione read you are doing circuits and you have to identify a potential threat while doing it I ticked Flying too close to runway in case if there is engine failure but was wrong.

Kind of gutted but I guess have to study in detail.

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  • Alroberts

Alroberts replied the topic: ATPL TEM

Hi Wilson,

Same for me this morning, 69%!!!!! and as you I studied and would never have done the exam if I thought I was not ready.

Anyway I got the flying east one wrong also, my understanding is flying east you have to stretch your rhythm, NOT compress. Bob Tait page 9.13 states
"Travelling east your body rhythnm must advance to match new time. Since our internal clock are more used to slowing down than they are to speeding up, jet lag is generally less of a problem for west bound than for east bound travellers."

Other question was attitude and personality,which one is resistant to change.
I ticked both are not resistant meaning both can change.
I got this correct but again how it was worded was hard to interpret, how I answered is personality is not resistant to change where attitude is, meaning personality is the same but its the attitude that puts up a resistants to change so I think the answer was attitude is NOT resistant to change meaning it can be changed.

I had about 13 questions I think about TEM, zoo along with a couple of simple ones I got wrong which I knew the answer but the wording got me I failed,

can't resist now for 3 weeks as no exam time available for that long!!!

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