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  • 430161
  • Topic Author

430161 created the topic: CHUF

Sitting CHUF tomorrow and during study today I have come across a conflict/error in TEM. In Bobs HPL book, Part 10, "Questions on Undesired Aircraft States" Question 1, page 10.22. "A pilot carrying out solo forced landing practice, fails to select the carburettor heat to hot (handling error). Carburettor ice forms during the descent and the aircraft fails to climb out normally on the go around (aircraft configuration state "icing systems not operating in icing conditions") I used the bracketed information as a foundation for my answer. I selected "C"- "a handling error leading to a undesired configuration state". This is the correct answer in the book so I was happy, I got it right; BUT when sitting the online practice exam, "Threat and Error Management Bonus Exam", Question 27, I came across exactly the same question as above and answered it as above, but it was marked incorrect. The answer in the online exam was given as "handling error leading to an undesired handling state"....What the??? I believe the answer in the book to be correct....Any thoughts!!!!

Also Question 5, page 10.22, in the HPL book,
"Which of the following examples describes an undesired aircraft configuration state?"
a) icing system not operating in icing conditions (this is documented as a Aircraft Configuration state)
b) IAS too low during an approach (this is an Aircraft Handling state)
c) taxiing too fast (this is a Ground Navigation state)
d) incorrect fuel distribution (this again is a Aircraft Configuration state)
"d" is marked as the correct answer but "a" also meets the criteria. Both a and d originate under the Aircraft Configuration state box on page 10.21

????? Confused

Thanks Bob and Richard

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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: CHUF


I agree, the carbie heat off in icing conditions is an undesired aircraft configuration state. Handling states are aircraft out of position, speed altitude and attitude deviations for example. Therefore, the question in the exam prep is wrong and I'll correct it. As for the answer to Q5 in the book, again, (a) and (d) are possible answers. so there's an errata to be done there I reckon. Thanks for pointing it out.

Good luck tomorrow! It doesn't look like you'll have any trouble with TEM :)



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  • 430161
  • Topic Author

430161 replied the topic: CHUF

Thanks Richard for your prompt reply. I passed, so that was my last CPL exam, now I can concentrate on building up some more hours and self nominate for the flight test down the track. The self directed study was an addition to my PPL, I had this hunger to know more and also apply this to my flying. So I thank yourself and Bob for the layout of the course and teaching methods. To anyone reading this the simple formula I followed as a solo student without classroom contact was utilise the books and purchase the practice exams. The practice exams added 10% to my grades. Once you are getting high grades in the practice exams attack the CASA exam. This gave me enough marks to pass comfortably against some of the very few CASA questions which come left of field.


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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: CHUF

You're welcome. Congratulations on your pass and for getting through the last theory hurdle. Onwards and upwards!



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  • DAH

DAH replied the topic: CHUF

This question is still in the TEM test as stated above. Was there an error?

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  • Stuart Tait

Stuart Tait replied the topic: CHUF

No just the question tweaked to make incorrect fuel distribution an obvious choice

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