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Question in revision set 7

  • Madox01
  • Topic Author

Madox01 created the topic: Question in revision set 7

Hey i was just wanting to confirm that the correct answer for Question 9 which reads

Each passenger must be provided with supplemental oxygen for all of the time at which an unpressurised aircraft is operating above.

a) 20000ft
b) 10000ft
c) 14000ft
d) 8000ft

the back of the book suggests that c is the correct answer however in that chapter i cant seem to find anything about 14000ft

i tend to believe that the correct answer is 10000ft and is b.

perhaps ive missed that part both times ive read it... a bit like the bird in the the hand lol...

thankyou in advance for your time, if you are aware of any other errors in any of the cpl subject guides are you able to let me know asap...cheers

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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: Re: Question in revision set 7

Hi Madox,

Yes, (c) is the correct answer. Have a read of CAO 20.4 paragraphs 6.1, 6.4 and 6.5.

All passengers must be provided with supplemental oxygen when operating at all times above FL140. At altitudes between 10000 and FL140, you only need oxygen for the passengers if you will be operating above 10000 for more than 30 minutes and even then you only need to carry enough oxygen for 10% of the passengers for 30 minutes or 20% of passengers for 15 minutes.

If you operate above FL140 you need oxygen for all passengers for the whole time you are above FL140.

The 10000ft limit applies to flightcrew: A flight crew member on flight deck duty must be on oxygen at all times if operating above 10000 in an unpressurised aircraft.

As for errors in the texts, any current errata are listed in the Updates/Errata section under the Books menu item on the front page of the site. Here's a direct link anyway:




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  • Madox01
  • Topic Author

Madox01 replied the topic: Re: Question in revision set 7

cheers rich :)

that makes a lot more sense now :) i will have to read all of the CAO's :) whats a bit more reading when i have a stack of books infront of me that i need to get through :P

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