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MECIR or instructor rating after CPL?

  • ggriffiths96
  • Topic Author

ggriffiths96 created the topic: MECIR or instructor rating after CPL?

Hey all!
I'm nearing the end of my CPL with only a couple months to go and was wondering what those who have completed their CPL did after?
I soon need to make the decision if I'm going to continue on and do my MECIR, instructor rating, or try and find a job working for a parachutist company or charter work!
It'd be awesome to hear what you guys reckon,


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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: MECIR or instructor rating after CPL?

Hi Gen,
If you are looking to get hours up and make a break into the industry, then the MECIR would be the better option, in my opinion. You should really look at the instructor rating if you think you would enjoy being an instructor and helping others on their way. If you see the instructor rating as a quick way to build hours you will be doing yourself (and your students) a disservice as instructing isn't always the hours gold mine you might expect. Instructing is more than simply doing flying lessons: the job goes far beyond that.
An instructor rating is a fantastic experience, immensely challenging and great fun all rolled into one. Just make sure you are doing it for the right reasons :)
Good luck!

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  • Aviatordan

Aviatordan replied the topic: MECIR or instructor rating after CPL?

G'day Gen,

I completely second what Richard has said regarding the Instructor Rating - only do it for the right reasons. I have actually known a couple of instructors who got in to it purely to build hours and it really does show in their instruction. Also, now there is a requirement to have 100 hours PIC before being eligible for an Instructors Rating. I'd like to see the study that got that requirement green lit - I'd say we are going to see a real drop off of those moving in to instructing!

The MECIR is the way to go if you're looking for the logical next step. Most operators require an MECIR before they will even look at you, unless you're looking at a day VFR scenic gig. It used to be a real pain to keep current and was therefore seen as something you should only get once you actually need it. However now the currency requirements (omitting the yearly proficiency check requirements) are much less restrictive:
- 3 instrument approaches in 90 days;
- 1 Instrument approach in the same category of aircraft [e.g. single engine / multi-engine] in 90 days;
- 1 2D and 1 3D approach in 90 days [note you may let either lapse however if it does, you may no longer conduct an approach in that category under the IFR]; and
- 1 approach requiring azimuth guidance (NDB) and 1 approach using CDI guidance (VOR, ILS, LLZ, RNAV) in 90 days.

The above is true for both parachuting and charter operations. Both operators will require an MECIR prior to employment so it really is the way to go.

Hope this helps.



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  • ggriffiths96
  • Topic Author

ggriffiths96 replied the topic: MECIR or instructor rating after CPL?

Thanks heaps guys it's good to hear someone else's opinion!
I'm leaning towards my MECIR because I know I'll need it sooner or later and I think instructing would be such an awesome experience so I'll see what happens by the end of my MECIR :) and I know what you mean about those instructors solely motivated to gain hours!
Thanks again!

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  • Aviatordan

Aviatordan replied the topic: MECIR or instructor rating after CPL?

Also, there is absolutely nothing like being able to fly no matter the weather [within reason of course]. Having just completed the MECIR myself, it really does just completely change the way you think and the decisions you make.

There's something amazing about taking off, entering cloud at 800', flying around for 2 hours without any reference to the ground and then only breaking visual on final at an airport in a completely different state!

You will love it!

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  • Beazley

Beazley replied the topic: MECIR or instructor rating after CPL?

I would just like to add one more detail...which you must expect.
Don’t expect to be put into a twin with a basic CPL and MEiR. It just won’t happen.
In then end, the MEIR will aid in getting you a single engine VFR job.

You will then have to keep the rating current and yourself recent, this is money out of your own pocket.

I second the comments above, an instructor rating has been the biggest challenge in flying to date, it is no walk in the park, however it is very rewarding.
If you want to go into check and training later in your career, this will aid in that progression.
I did build 800 odd hours in 12 months and was eligible for a G1 after 15 months. (500hrs initial flight training) so you can build good hours, but your key is providing great instruction.

There is no right and wrong in this decision, however you can take many roads to arrive at your end goal, the roads can be windy or they can be relatively straight, the choice is yours.

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  • CWindle

CWindle replied the topic: MECIR or instructor rating after CPL?

HI All,

Just want to get some thoughts from people re: MECIR vs FIR.

I plan on instructing once I get my CPL but have been told by some to do my MECIR before my instructor course. I was also speaking to a CFI who said that you will pick up instrument flying quicker if you had your instructor rating...

Either way I plan on doing both its just a matter of working out which order.

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