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Flightsurgeon created the topic: BOD and EOD charts in the VFGR Vs AIP
The EOD and BOD charts in the VFGR seems to be inaccurate compared to the AIP
It is because the numbers in the VFGR are not well aligned on the Y axis.
Does anyone know if the CASA exam questions are based on the VFGR chart or AIP
because both are referenced guides?
I did one practice question from another site and got the answer wrong becuase I used the VFGR rather than the AIP.
The working out was fine but becuase the initial number was 5 minutes out on the VFGR, compared to the AIP, the answer was incorrect.
bobtait replied the topic: BOD and EOD charts in the VFGR Vs AIP
This is the gist of the reply I got from CASA.
The charts in the VFRG were in error when they were first published but were corrected quite some time ago. The graphs in the VFRG and the AIP are now in agreement, hence it would make no difference whether the candidate uses the (current version of) VFRG or AIP.
In answer to your question, the exams are based on the AIP charts, but as I’ve already stated, the graphs agree with each other. It should not be a problem at all.
It seems that as long as your ensure that you have a current edition of the VFRG there should be no problem.
Flightsurgeon replied the topic: BOD and EOD charts in the VFGR Vs AIP
Many thanks , I will get a screen shot from the VFGR which is the latest and there is some discord with the AIP
In the real world, I suppose one would use NAIPS but Im sure CASA would not allow this or would they?
bobtait replied the topic: BOD and EOD charts in the VFGR Vs AIP
No. You couldn't use NAIPS in the exam, the exam computer wouldn't give you access. But CASA have given assurance that, although the problem did indeed exist with the original print of the VFRG, it has been fixed and shouldn't be a problem if you use the current issue. If you do check it out and find the problem still exists, let me know.