2nd of October finally passed my last CPL exam. All of them went very well and I was not dissapointed with any of the scores, even finished with a bang, 100% on FPP, and no doubt what so ever those scores were a direct result of the time put into the Bob Tait series of CPL books. The books are great, and the online support is just as good, it was a short journey thanks to such good support, just 3 months, from first exam to the last.
Thanks Bob, Richard, and the others on this forum who post up support.
I won't be going anywhere just yet because it's IREX now, but even as I study ATPL subjects next year I look forward to still visiting here, meeting people, sharing stories and answering any questions that I can.
You offer a great service Bob, and it is appreciated. To others, use this site to it's full advantage, and buy the practice cyber exams, they are worth every penny if a little pride puts a smile on your face while walking out of the exam centre. What's an extra $50 here or there in the world of aviation