Since there's no Bob Tait ATPL text's
I have started seriously considering the AFT ATPL full time 6 week course in QLD. Or their self study course. Just wondering if anyone has had any experience or has any feedback to do with the course. I know one person who attended their classes and said it was very good.
They do offer a home study course. But for not too much more cost surely the full time course would be better and quicker. Although I am quite good with home studying.
I am currently in a TAFE course which covers CPL this year and ATPL next year,but I have not been happy with the quality and I have not being attending much, I basically self studied all my subjects so far while being enroled. I am going to pull out of the course because now I have some experience I know it is NOT neccessary to spend a whole year studying ATPL, plus they do all the subjects together as suppose to one at a time. I have 2 CPL CASA exams left which I will be sitting soon, then self studying IREX using Bob Tait.
I am more concerned about getting my ATPL subject's complete quickly than how much I spend really. I just want to get my studying completely knocked off so I can start flying every day and get that CPL.
Any feedback or advice would be appreciated.