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CAO 48.1 Appendix 4 Claus 3.2
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boeing777ferdi created the topic: CAO 48.1 Appendix 4 Claus 3.2
hi all, been attempting some of the questions, yet fail to full comprehend the meaning of 3.2 under appendix 4.
would it be correct to interpret it as so: provided i have a fdp of 15 hours (extended) and if I had a split duty of 5 hours, and 3.4 does not apply, then I would consider my FDB minus 2 (50% of 4, as per 3.2) then calculate my off-duty period from this bases.
bobtait replied the topic: CAO 48.1 Appendix 4 Claus 3.2
It looks like you have got it. You would still need to be given the four hour split duty rest period but, for the purpose of calculating the next off-duty period, you can reduce that FDP by two hours. So, to use your example, if the FDP had been extended to 15 hours (including the split duty rest period), you could call it 13 hours for the purpose of calculating your next off duty period.
I don't know who on earth wrote this stuff - but it would be nice if someone would translate it into English!
boeing777ferdi replied the topic: CAO 48.1 Appendix 4 Claus 3.2
Thanks! Last thing:
reference to AIP ENR 1.7-7 para 4.1.6; if instructed by ATC "ABC, descend to 5000" if asked such in the CASA exam what would be the app response. My issue is what to respond (see below) --
1. " 5000, ABC"
2. "leaving (alt) "
3: "leaving (alt) maintain 4000"
the AIP simply states when leaving. However we have 1 minute before we are obliged to descend, thus if i were to descend immediately (3) would be appropriate, and if responding but not commencing then (1) would be app and finally if ACTUALLy descending then (2)
would this be correct to assume, or how should such a question be answered?
thanks for all the help. ps. your books have helped LOTS!