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If doing performance - enjoy the present moment...

  • brook
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brook created the topic: If doing performance - enjoy the present moment...

G'day all,

I am knee deep in the Echo Mk IV (CPL Performance and my last CPL exam) and I am dredging the bottom of my soul for inspiration, after having read a few others comments - glad I have the online component as well for another angle, but think it seems to boil down to learning it properly and then taking a good consolidated formula chart to the exam, brain dumping it on the other side and getting to work. We'll see...

But on the lighter side, I found myself (after lots of adding load and ballast fuel in the echo) having a chuckle.

Here I am looking at my flow chart workings of over an hour on "present fuel", and then the "present moment" (underneath). So I "think" the key to surviving the Echo might be to "Enjoy" the "present moment" :-)

Here's to all those poor pilots that have passed this exam! :-)

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  • brook
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brook replied the topic: If doing performance - enjoy the present moment...

Pant, Pant - well I guess as the late Jim Rohn said - "where-ever you are, be."

Personally I think a good medication to stop pilots arriving early is strong headwinds...

See Bob and Richard you've even got me making my own jokes up about flying :-)

Thank goodness for the Spotify online music service!

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  • Neville75

Neville75 replied the topic: If doing performance - enjoy the present moment...

Hi Brook

Sharing your pain, as I am also shifting and adding weight and ballast to my little hearts content. I too have left performance as my last exam thinking that it would inspire me to push onwards. Whilst not finding it completely impossible to grasp, I continue to ask myself how the hell am I going to remember all the formulas etc for the exam.

Anyway, good luck and I will also try to enjoy the "Present Moment".


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  • brook
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brook replied the topic: If doing performance - enjoy the present moment...

Thanks Nev - good to know there are others who are also forging "their right of passage" :-) I think a bit of last minute Formula Revision will be key, knowing if all else fails the charts might give us an idea to check against. I have started a formula sheet, when its done happy to upload if you can read my handwriting :-) will still be a while as I was going to re-revise and add more on the second pass.

Think having a 0.3mm graphite pencil (not 0.5mm) makes a different too, as well as a slider (roller) ruler rather than a plain ruler. I have a Seikoshi rolling ruler, its great.

Good luck - do you have *any* idea of when you *might* sit the test? I am going to try in the next couple of weeks all being well...

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  • Neville75

Neville75 replied the topic: If doing performance - enjoy the present moment...

A List of formulas to learn sounds like a good plan to round off with, think I'll use and tag the conversion page in ERSA too, just in case of a big mental block on the day.

I'm nearly finished my first run through the text, so at least another couple of weeks until I'm ready. Most likely 3-4 weeks depending on getting time off work.

This subject has taken me longer, as I'm also using the online package. I started checking exam venue availability and found that there's no vacancies at my preferred location (Maroochydore) until end of December, so I'll have to sit at Archerfield instead :(

Getting the P chart accuracy will be my biggest challenge. Hopefully the answers will be separated enough (fingers crossed).

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  • brook
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brook replied the topic: If doing performance - enjoy the present moment...

Good Stuff Nev yes the ERSA tagging must do that! Hey the exam system changes over this Month on the 24th of this month - same questions apparently.

www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:STANDARD::pc=PC_101435 check it out!

Yes the P charts can be misinterpreted easily.... having that good pencil helps!

Archerfield, that's a drive! Strewth - an afternoon exam and some coffee perhaps? hey apparently the location at Archerfield has changed according to the ASL web site, now in a particular Qantas Building.

I have been using the online packagr too and I know what you mean, but I figure its a great support and reassurance, besides its fun listening to Bob and Richard. They are like family now :-)

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  • Bungee

Bungee replied the topic: If doing performance - enjoy the present moment...

Funnily, I have left PERF as my last one too... knee deep on the beetles and flow charts and trying to remember what I studied in the beginning of the book :laugh: . It is definitely a tougher subject and talking to my instructor, he says a lot fail this exam just because they run out of time, so making sure we're fluent with the formulas is a must... I have my exam booked for the 1st October (I find I don't get serious about study until the exam is booked) so I have to be ready.... looking forward to getting the last exam done, I have my flight test booked mid november so by xmas should be CPL!

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  • brook
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brook replied the topic: If doing performance - enjoy the present moment...

Hi Bungee - good on you for committing! I am the same - once you book its time to go hard (well, at least in the exam, darn it that came out wrong ;-). Will be interesting to see what the new exam format looks like from the 24th...Hope nobody is using beetle killer around the exam room ;-) Flight test as well - wow that's great news. I am trying for the same. Good work! I know what you mean about remember what you studied at the beginning of book. Performance certainly moves around the place a bit, what with p charts, loading, the other charts and and formula's. I wonder what exactly CASA were thinking when they decided to design their own ACFT?

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