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  • Tanser88
  • Topic Author

Tanser88 created the topic: FDP

Hi, I recently came across this question in the Bob Tait CPL Air Law book, and it's confusing.
It's Question 28 of practice exam 2. Can you please help.

Your company operates under CAO 48 Instrument 2001. Yesterday was an off duty day after five consecutive days on duty. Today (12 November) you finished a flight duty period of 6 hours at 1800 Local Standard Time. Your next tour of duty will begin at 0700 LST and be of 8 hours duration. What is the earliest date on which you may commence this tour of duty?

There's a reference to the question to instrument 2013 so I'm assuming it's Appendix 1 of CAO 48.1

In Appendix 1 it clearly states that a pilot must have a minimum 2 days off during any consecutive 7 day period.
The pilot has already worked 5 consecutive days which means he can't work for 2 days.
So the information in the question must be incorrect as it says he worked on the 12th but took a day off on the 11th (only 1 day off)
He shouldn't have worked on the 12th in the first place as it would be against the CAO 48.1 Appendix 1. He can't take 1 day off after
5 consecutive days, then work again on the 7th day. He must take a minimum of 2 days off. For example if he works Monday to Friday, he can't start work again until Monday (Saturday and Sunday must be taken off).

So I don't see how this question works.
My book said the answer was A) 13th November
However someone else's book on this forum said their book says its D) 14th November.
Seems that the books have some discrepancies.

The only way this question would work and the answer to be A) 13th according to the answers would be if he didn't work on the 12th as he shouldn't have anyway.

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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: FDP

Hi Tanser,
Thanks for mentioning the question. It has been changed and put into the errata. The question now reads:

Question No 28 CAO 48.0 Instrument 2013 Appendix 1 para 4.2
Your company operates under CAO 48.0 Instrument 2013 Appendix 1. Today (11th November) you finished a flight duty period of 6 hours at 1800 Local Standard Time. You have now worked 5 consecutive days and your next tour of duty will begin at 0700 LST and be of 8 hours duration. What is the earliest date on which you may commence this tour of duty?
(a) 13th November
(b) 16th November
(c) 15th November
(d) 14th November

The answer is (d).



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  • Tanser88
  • Topic Author

Tanser88 replied the topic: FDP

Hi Richard,

Thank you for getting back to me.
No worries at all, and thanks for letting me know. The question now makes perfect sense. I hope I pass this 1, it's the last exam for me for CPL :) I'm excited and nervous at the same time haha. Just need to practice on where to find the information quickly. By any chance would you know if the CASA exam questions for this exam are ambiguous or are they pretty straight forward with asking what they want?

Thanks again Richard

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