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Finding topics in CAO's

  • Brock
  • Topic Author

Brock created the topic: Finding topics in CAO's

Hi everyone,
I'm reasonably new to this and am part way through studying commercial Air Law. I'm wondering if any of you have an easy way of finding the different topics in the CAO's as there is no contents page at the start of each chapter?

Thanks in advance.

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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: Finding topics in CAO's

Hi Brock,

The CAO's can be a bit of a maze but one thing that might help is making up some memorable statement to link the topic to the numbering. Here are some daft examples which students have made up and found helpful in the past:

CAO 20.2 - Safety Precautions before Flight - "I am looking TO go flying today" (to = two = CAO 20.2)
CAO 20.4 - Oxygen - "Looking FOR oxygen after the cabin de-pressurises" (for = four = CAO 20.4)
CAO 20.6 - Continuation of flight with one engine in-op - "Props stuck like sticks, 20.6"
CAO 20.7 - Performance - "Reach the heavens with the 20.7's"
CAO 20.9 - Refuelling and ground radar - Now, this one is obscure but strangely enough the most memorable for some: the German word for fuel is "Benzin", so change it to "Benzine" and remember "Ja, ja ben-zine, 20.9". :blink: Don't blame me, I just work here
CAO 20.11 - Emergency Equipment - "Emergency, 9-11 (CAO 20.11)"
CAO 20.16 - Loading - this one's not politically correct so make one up but it had something to do with Paris Hilton being a well loaded (i.e. rich) 16 year old
CAO 20.18 - Equipment - remember the old TV series "The A-Team"? They always had amazing equipment so associate "A-Team, eighteen".
CAO 20.48 - Tour of Duty - just think of that TV show "48 Hours" where the guy had 48 hours to save the world. CAO 20.48 = Work Hours

That'll do for a start, make up your own if you find this approach helpful and not distractingly silly. As I said, it is a strategy that has worked for others in the past and the technique can work for any of the other CAO's you're trying to locate.



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  • Brock
  • Topic Author

Brock replied the topic: Finding topics in CAO's

Thanks Richard
That's helpful. Never thought of doing it that way

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  • abargri

abargri replied the topic: Finding topics in CAO's

I love this!!!

This is great!! - Thank you

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