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Duty time

  • Rhazeltine
  • Topic Author

Rhazeltine created the topic: Duty time

Can someone please help me. Cross reference CPL air law sample set 1. Question 8 refers to the first date that a pilot can commence work and since their break is 9.5 hours, I can only deduce that as the new tour commences at 0600 it is deemed to have included 0600 as part of the break time otherwise the answer would have been b and not a. I then refer to q19 which is a similar thing and I would have expected that since the commencement time is again 0600, the nine hour break would have been satisfied by a 9pm finish however in this case the answer indicates 8pm which is 10 hours not nine.

Can someone please tell me what I am missing here? If duty time or tours of duty commence or finish at 10pm or 6am do they or don't they satisfy the period of rest incorporating 10pm and 6am.

Many thanks in advance.


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  • captainellzy

captainellzy replied the topic: Re: Duty time

Gday Richard,

If you were to finish your tour of duty AT 10pm on Monday night, you may commence your next tour of duty within 9 hours, assuming Mondays TOD was no longer than 11 hours. If you were to clock off at 10pm, you would only be required to have 9 hours of rest, therefore, start at 7am Tuesday. So a finish at 10pm or a start at 6pm will satisfy the incorporating rest period.

So question 8 is a plain and simple 'I've not done any special hours or overtime' situation I guess you could call it. So long as you have 9 hours rest encompassing 10 and 6, you can start at 6 the following day.

Question 19 - Working backwards a bit here. If the pilot is starting at 6am, he/she MUST have the hours 10pm-6am off. So we need to figure out what time he/she must finish in order to be ALLOWED to start at 6am.

To start at 6am, he/she must have 10-6 off, which is 8 hours. Not quite enough. One more hour off would have the pilot finishing at 9pm. But then that's a 12 hour TOD and would need an extra hour for each 15mins or part thereof as rest.

The latest he/she can finish, then, is 8pm, making it a regular old 11 hour TOD. Lets say he finished at 9pm (12hr TOD). If this pilot works any later than 8pm he/she will be 4 hours late for work tomorrow!

Hope that makes sense! Then again.. it's air law.. Thank god you can take CAO 48.1 with ya..

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  • Rhazeltine
  • Topic Author

Rhazeltine replied the topic: Re: Duty time

Thanks for your help. Taking the cao in helps providing you can interpret it and the question. Hopefully more than 70% of questions refer to other stuff


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  • brentonrule

brentonrule replied the topic: Duty time

Hi Richard, I found the CASA questions in the exam to be utterly amiguous, but if you do have a clear grasp of the CAR etc it will help you to try and unravel what they are looking for. The best way is to use a 'time line' and phsically write the numbers and times.

I also created my own Tabel of Contents for all the CARs etc and found this to be a very useful tool for getting used to 'where things are' in these volumes. Whilst you can't use it in the exam, I'll email you a copy.

Good luck.

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  • Rhazeltine
  • Topic Author

Rhazeltine replied the topic: Re: Duty time

Hey Brenton, thanks for the response. Exam is tomorrow and I am reasonably confident. Still aim to catch up probably Feb.

Cheers Rich

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  • JamesGrenfell

JamesGrenfell replied the topic: Re: Duty time

Hi Guys,
Just working on Air Law and I just can not get Duty Time working in my head! Just when I think I am "getting" it another Q's pops up that I fail on.

Is there a way to map out Duty Time?

Can you break down this question for me?

Q - You commence a period of reserve time at home at 0700LMT. You are called in to commence a tour of duty at 2000LMT. The latest LMT of the next day at which this tour of duty must be completed is?
A. 0500LMT
B. 0600LMT - This is the correct answer.
C. 0700LMT - This was my answer.
D. 0800LMT

What I did was write down a timeline. 7am to 8pm = 13 hours (not including 10pm-6am) Passes the rest requirements. Maximum TOD is 11 hours.


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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: Re: Duty time

HI James,

CAO 48.0 3.1 describes the following:


3.1 Reserve time at home shall not exceed 1 continuous period of 16 hours. Where a flight crew member, during reserve time at home, is called to commence duty the total elapsed time from the commencement of reserve time at home to the end of that tour of duty shall not exceed 23 hours. Reserve time at home shall not be considered as tour of duty time for the purpose of these Orders.

So, commencement of reserve time was 0700. He has to finish duty by 6 am the next day. Note: the question says you commenced a period of RESERVE time at 0700 (not rest).

As for an easy map of duty time, I don't know of a simple flow chart (or similar) at the moment (that would be a good exercise though come to think of it!). CAO 48.0 and Section 1 of CAO 48.1 cover it all in a reasonable way but it does make your head spin sometimes.



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