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Vortices: Lateral spread

  • Migraine
  • Topic Author

Migraine created the topic: Vortices: Lateral spread


Can anyone point out why wing tip vortices which are close to the ground, and have stopped sinking, drift outwards rather than inwards.

Wouldn't the rotational energy from the port vortex (rotating clockwise) and the stb'd vortex (anti-clockwise) roll them inwards to each other?


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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: Vortices: Lateral spread

That's a great question Migraine, and one for which I have no clear answer, despite digging in Kermode, Smith, and Professor Google.

Let's throw this one open to general debate. I suspect the answer will lie in the realms of fluid dynamics and outside the scope of the syllabus. Interesting nonetheless!

Suggestions anyone?



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