Ralph replied the topic: On Finals: Your airfields
YNAR: Narranderra during the flood; and yes it was open still - I checked the NOTAMs. Rex landed there a few minutes after me and the council kept this airport open because the town was cut-off by the flood waters. It sure was cool doing a circuit because it was just like orbitting a rice-paddock.
It was also very interesting navigating visually with reference to the ground because there was water everywhere making the landscape look so different.
Ralph replied the topic: On Finals: Your airfields
YSRI - a bit low on the PAPI R10 holding off looking for the arrestor wire to see where to touch-down. The wires are marked by orange day-glow disks and run across after the aiming point and those black-and-white striped structures must be something to do with them. (Was NOTAM'd).
I was invited to the Richmond air show in 20081129 when I attended a bomb-disposal display stand at the Nowra Airshow - so I couldn't resist the opportunity to fly into another MIL base.
WX was pretty bad all the way - but we made it in VFR and eventually about 6 general aviation aircraft turned up and the air show consisted of war-birds flying around. Although a lot smaller than the Nowra and Temora airshows we had a lot of fun with the flying displays and were allowed to get close to the aircraft lineup (in the display area). The show visitors basically consisted of flight-crews and their passengers, and some base staff and dependents and was sort of like a private airshow sponsored by the military and war-bird owners; probably because the weather was for ducks.
I had one PAX and he thoroughly enjoyed the show and he has never been in a light-aircraft before due to the fact he has a fused knee - so I had a set of steps to help him get onto the wing. (He took the photos as well.)
Ralph replied the topic: On Finals: Your airfields
YBUY: this is a little bit after finals onto R27 at YBUY; I decided to land because it was cold, I got snowed on and I saw some lightning approaching - that was it. Look at that nasty cloud just above while we wait for it to clear!
There are twin oxygen bottles in the back because the Canberra Gliding club is into wave flying up to 24,000' when a special corridor is declared in October/November so the gliders can fly to flight levels without a transponder. I have been to 15,300' in this machine for a dual wave flight under instruction between Bunyan and Jindabyne and back.
This machine is a two seater Puchacz SZD-50 and I learned to fly in it - its glide ratio is 30:1. Notice the distinct lack of engine!
Gliding is the most cost effective form of flying and the techniques learned could very well save your life, like they have mine.
Spin recovery
Ridge soaring
I used to fly my aeroplane down to Bunyan to visit my gliding mates - but since owning a Mooney I have not flown in because all the (grass) runways (paddocks) are a bit rough.
Ralph replied the topic: On Finals: Your airfields
YTEM R18 grass right
1. turning final
2. on final
3. how we got in the air
I sat in the back while my friend did the take-off and landing. I have only ever sat in the "instructor's" seat on two occassions; you get a much better view from the back and can tell when the pilot performs uncoordinated turns due to the long fuselage in front of you. This pilot was coordinated in every turn and even on tow; we use the string as the yaw indicator - which should be pointing straight back inline with the centre of the fuselage.